John Paul II
"I have not gone far away from you, and continue to watch over the world so that it becomes a better world, with less injustices and more joy and happiness."
May God bless each one of the people reading this letter, as well as each human being who inhabits every corner of the world.
My heart is sad because man has not known how to respond to God's call so that those who are in a more favourable situation make an effort to alleviate the sorrows and cover the basic needs of those who have not experienced the good side of life, having seen the hardest and most difficult side of it.
During the period I was Pope at the Vatican, my basic preoccupation was that one, to try to improve the conditions of those hit hardest by the vicissitudes of life, be they poor, sick, incarcerated or any person who had been a victim of some type of personal calamity.
There is so little charity, mercy and solidarity in the world!
I would like to make a call from here to appeal to people's charity, to those who could consider themselves wealthy, so that they do not think only of themselves and help in some way to lessen the difficulties of so many people who are suffering in one way or another.
We continue to do it from the other side because, as you well know, life does not stop with the death of the body, but it continues in the afterlife; it is only that the clothing is more subtle and is free of the limitations of the physical world.
We also take care of the tasks assigned to us by the Higher Hierarchies, which in turn serve others and help us dedicate our existence to help other souls who live in the world to see the light in the self-imposed darkness due to their past erroneous actions.
The service to others never ends, and it doesn't stop with the material body's disintegration, because it is the only one that turns to dust.
Truly, blessed be those who have begun to feel the need to help others while they are still alive, not needing to transcend the human life and enter the spiritual world to realize that. Yes, blessed be they!
Because the truth is, that person who has lived a life dedicated to his/her own selfish pursuits, is a person who has wasted his/her life! If he/she has accumulated a fortune, his/her riches will be eaten by the moths, and if he/she has only looked after his/her own benefit, he/she will realize it when it's too late that he/she has not helped to improve someone's life and, therefore, his/her own life will have been wasted for not having helped others.
A good person is a treasure on Earth, and what is sad is that there are many kind people incarnated who are not doing all the good they could do because they have not been able to free themselves from the deception that tells them they are 'apart' from all other human beings.
If, on the contrary, they knew that all human beings in all corners of the Earth are united by a unique spiritual bond, they would not establish differences between what belongs to them and what belongs to others, and would not doubt to help improve the conditions of other people as if it was their own.
In these difficult times we are in, I ask for your support and the support of all humanity, not only of the Christian Community, but of the whole human race so that through their selfless service and committed and continued prayers they help alleviate as much as possible the suffering of other brothers and sisters in need.
May the love of Christ, Mary and the God Allmighty bless the souls of those men and women who go out of their way to assist those who are suffering and who are lost in a lonely life, of sorrow or of lack, be it emotional, like in the case of old people, or material, like the poor or the homeless.
I have not gone far away from you, and continue to watch over the world so that it becomes a better world, with less injustices and more joy and happiness.
I bless you all in Christ's resurrected Love, which is the same Love that God the Father feels for all His creatures.
John Paul II
through Kris-Won
Traductora: Gloria
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